What is Uechi-Ryu Karate?
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Pronounced: "Way-Chi" "Roo"

"A Dragon, Tiger and Crane" style

Uechi-"style" is a classical Chinese-Okinawan system of self defense.


Kara-Te means "empty handed".

An unarmed or empty handed method of self-defense, stressing blocking, punching and kicking.

Uechi-Ryu stands for:
Uechi is a family name. Kanbum Uechi was the founder. Ryu is the Japanese word for "style". So Uechi-Ryu means Mr. Uechi's style.

The picture to the right is Master Kanbum Uechi Sensei.

Kanbum Uechi
Master Kanbum Uechi was a man who's dedication and pursuit of the art of self defense still inspires people today. In 1897, at the age of 19 Kanbum left his home in Okinawa to increase his knowledge of the art and went to China. China has had a form of self-defense called "Kung-Fu" for an extremely long time. Kara-Te actually started in Okinawa as a defense against the fuedal Lords who used weapons to control it's people. The people of Okinawa were not allowed to have weapons, and so developed karate- "empty-handed" self-defense, because of this.

When Kanbum went to China he met up with a priest in a Shaolin Temple, named Shushewa. (pronounced shoo-zee-wah) This master was teaching a style of Kung-Fu known as Pwangai-Noon. Pwangai-noon means, "helf-hard, half-soft" yet also can be interpreted as "speed with glare".

After spending several years with Master Shoshewa, Kanbum went home to Okinawa with five defensive tactics/moves to begin the foundation for what is today, Uechi-Ryu Karate.

The Original 5
1) The Sanchin Kata.

Sanchin began as a meditative "stance" in the Shaolin Temple. It later became the Uechi "stance" as well as it's first "kata" A "kata" is a series of movements done in succession- similar to a dance. Sanchin stands for "three conflicts", the mind, body, and spirit.

2) Seisan Kata
Seisan is the 5th kata in a series of 8. It has several more movements then the first, Sanchin.

3) Sanseiru Kata
Sanseiru is the 8th Kata, and reserved for senior black belts.

4) Kanbum also brought a method of body conditioning home with him, called "Kontikitae". These movements consist of working with a partner, to help your body "get used" to other bodies, and helps develope physical strength, as well as balance, to be able to keep "functioning" in a physical confrontation.

5) Jute Kumite
Quite simply, free-style-sparring.

These five things, make up class time, as well as further excersizes,called "first and secondary" excersizes, teaching how to punch, block and kick.

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