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Sanchin Kata NO#1


1. With your feet together Bow. Open your feet to shoulder width apart (neutral stance). Pull your hands to your hips. Bend your knees slightly.

2. Step slightly a head with a foot (your choice) turn the heel of the forward foot out slightly.. With both yours hands thrust out towards the floor in front of you. Squeeze your hands into fists. Let both your hands rise to a shoulder level. Open your hands to spears. Now with the hand over the rear foot. Strike out with a front spear hand strike. Then return your hand to the shoulder height level.

3. Now turn the forward foot’s heel back in once more and step with your rear foot. Now with the hand over the rear foot, repeat the spear hand strike and return. Repeat this at least twice more. Stepping and striking off the rear foot. Now using the ball of the rear foot turn and twist (180 degrees) behind you. Letting your rear foot now be the front one facing the other way.

5. Repeat with the hand over the rear foot the same striking with a front spear hand strikes.

6. Stepping after each spear hand.

7.After taking a least three steps.

8. Once more using your rear foot turn and twist (180 degrees).

9.You are now facing back to the wall you started at.

10.Take an additional step or two.

11. Still striking with the hand over the rear foot.

12. After making a front spear hand strike. Let both hands pull back in spear hands and strike together shoulder height and width. Squeeze hands in to fists. Returning them once more, and repeat this move. On the third time you do this double strike out just turn your wrists over to a ready position.

13. Twist on the ball of your front foot looking 90% degrees to that side. Take a sliding step in that direction. Lower your forward hand down in front of you. Let the hand on your rear foot move up and touch your elbow of your forward foot. Draw a circle in front of you with your forward hand. Then letting it rest on your hip. The other hand follows suit and rests close to its shoulder. Strike out with both hands. Let your elbows bend a bit.

14. Now pivot on your rear foot using the ball. Turning 180% degrees. The take a sliding step in that direction. Now repeat the circle off the forward foot and double strike.

15. Now pivot on the balls of your feet to face the original wall. Once more take a sliding step in that direction. Perform a third Wa-uke circle block and strike. Letting your arms rise to a shoulder height. Closing your right hand in to a fist letting your left hand cover the fist. Returning your forward foot to a neutral stance. Letting your hands fall to your sides. Your feet coming together and you bowing.