Plymouth & Rumney Dojos
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Rumney's Dojo is located at Russell Elementary School.

We also have all age children's classes at 5:30 PM each Monday night. Classes are an hour long.

At 6:45 PM we now have an ADULT class which also runs for 1 hour, on Monday evenings. Children may stay and work quietly on homework or visit with the other children- no day care needed. All are welcome!

Plymouth children's classes are held at the Elementary School  in the multi-purpose room, at 4:30 and run 1 hour. Adult classes are available at the Rumney Dojo. If you would like to participate but can't make Monday evenings, please email for more options.

The Rumney Dojo

Looking for the karate dojo? 

It's in the gym! No Public School attendence means Dojo is closed as well.

Please email with any questions.


Each student learns the Sanchin Kata beginning with the HEY YOU stance!


What do you do if someone is following you? Turn around, quickly throw your hands up and scream HEY YOU!!!